The 2026 conference will take place in the beautiful and relaxing Omni La Costa Resort and Spa.
The EMC has secured a room rate of $229/night (+tax) for January 4-8, 2026. There is also a limited number of rooms available exclusively for graduate students at a rate of $209/night (+tax). These group rates are also available 3 days prior and 3 days after the EMC, based upon availability. Please mention the group code Enzyme Mechanisms Conference. The hotel will require a credit card to guarantee the room. The discounted rooms are available on first come first served basis.
Address: Omni La Costa Resort and Spa,
In addition to a terrific scientific program we are happy to be able to provide:
Daily Reduced Resort Charge of $10.00 (normally $45.00) + tax per room, per night.
Daily Reduced Self-Parking Fee of $10.00 (normally $40.00) + tax per car, per day.
10 % off Spa and Golf fees.
Please note: In order to receive the negotiated contract rate all accommodation reservations must be made by
December 6th, 2025.
After this date the price of rooms is based on market value
and will more than double in price.
Not yet open
15 Reduced-rate rooms are available for graduate students on a first come first served basis
Not yet open
Please note: The EMC has contractual threshold occupancy requirements for the duration of the conference. We therefore request that attendees opt to stay on site wherever possible.
Please note: Registration is a two-step process involving registration for the meeting as well as room reservation at the Omni La Costa